Thursday, August 17, 2017

Ans 1) “Annotate” means to add notes or comments to (a text, book etc.). “Abridge” means to shorten (a book, play etc.). “Antedate” means to give an earlier date rather than actual date to (something). “Complement” means a thing that improves or complete something. “Compliment(Noun)” means an expression of praise or admiration.
“excise” means to remove. “indeed” means certain or without any question. Certain “versions of novel and essays” cut out important parts, or “excise essential elements.” Then, “to fully understand the intent of the original”, students would have to “supplement”, or add to, “their reading with [some type of] sources.”
Definitely “abridged” versions of novel cut out important parts and “complementary sources” would enhance or support this shortened version. “Annotated versions” have additional notes of explanation; such versions would be less likely to require supplementation to understand. “Antedated” do not make sense.
“complement” means a thing that improves or complete something. Only “complementary” source address the problem raised by “abridged versions” create for students. “Compelling”, “Complementary” do not make any sense.
Ans 2) “Diffident” means lacking confident. “Apathetic” means showing no emotion or having no feeling. “implicit” means suggested but not stated directly. It has second meaning also. “implicit” means something stated directly without any doubt. “skeptical” means having or expressing doubt about something (such as a claim or statement).
“unassuming” means shy or not having or showing a desire to be noticed, praised etc. The initial “Far too” indicates that the first blank will oppose “limelight” (an old theatrical expression meaning to be in the spotlight) and agree with “unassuming” (Shy).
“Diffident” (shy or reserved) is a good match and is also a clue for the second blank, which must match the first one; “quietly” is the best choice.
She is supporting the political heavyweights of her day. Because of shyness, she does not want her to be in limelight. Focus is on her “shyness” and “diffidence”. Therefore, quietly is the best choice. “Implicitly”, “Skeptically” do not make sense.
Ans 3) “leery” means showing a lack of trust in (someone or something) or suspicious about something. “beholden” means being under obligation for a favor or gift. “apathetic” means showing no emotion or having no feeling. “dilemma” means a difficult or unpleasant situation especially where it is difficult to know what to do. “affiliation” means close connection.
 “Despite” the fact that the politician was in favor of “campaign finance reform,” he was “__________ corporate interests.” A clear contrast is indicated, but it’s tough to fill in this first blank with this information. Start with the second.
His opponent is relatively new to politics so he does not have as many campaign promises, or “obligations,” to “make good on”.
It is not possible to make good on “dilemmas” or on “affiliations.”
In contrast to the new politician, then, the “career politician” must have had more obligations; in other words, he is “more beholden to corporate interests”.
Ans 4) “Herald” means to be a sign of something that is about to happen. It has second meaning also. It means to greet (someone or something) with enthusiasm or to publicize something. “ratify” means to make (a treaty, agreement etc.) official by signing it or voting for it. “exacerbate” means to make (a bad situation, problem, etc.) worse.
“Hemorrhage” means uncontrollable discharge of blood or it also means rapid and uncontrollable financial loss. “spendthrift” means a person who spends money in a careless or wasteful way.
Construction came to an equally public standstill. It means that when construction was suspended, it was widely publicized. The phrase “equally public” provides a clue that the legislator’ s approval was highly publicized, or “heralded”. “scorned”, “ratified” do not match.
The sentence does not provide much of a clue for the second blank. When this happens, only one answer choice will make sense (and usually that correct choice won’ t add much to the sentence), while the other, incorrect answer choices will drastically change the meaning.
Here, “appropriated,” which means allocated or assigned, fits nicely and does n’ t add any unintended meaning.
No clue is given in question related to “stolen” and “exacerbated”.
Ans 5) “reverent” means showing a lot of respect. “Congenial” means friendly. “bolster” means to make something stronger or better. “fester” means to become worse as time passes. <Instead of talking the matter over with him, she allowed her resentment to fester in her mind>. “erode” means to gradually destroy (something) or to be gradually destroyed by natural forces (such as water, wind or ice).
“Chilly” means cold. It has second meaning also. “Chilly” means lacking warmth of feeling or unfriendly. When a relationship goes from something to “chilly at best,” the relationship used to be warm or cordial: “congenial” fits best for the first blank.
“Peaceful”, “Congenial” do not match.
If the relationship has gotten unfriendly or chilly, then there has been an undermining, or an eroding, of mutual trust. Therefore, “erode” is a perfect match here.
“Fester” (not improve and likely get worse over time) is a negative word; something positive, such as “trust”, cannot be said to “fester”. Only something negative, such as a wound or resentment, can be described as “festering”. “Bolster” do not make any sense.
Ans 6) “Inscribe” means to write or cut (words, a name, etc.) on something. “hardy” means hard, strong and able to live through difficult conditions. “trying” means difficult to deal with. “redundant” means extra or unnecessary.
“Convoluted” means containing no. of twists and turns. It has second meaning also. It means something difficult to understand.
Since the novel will take “innumerable hours to review and edit”, the author is far from completing, or “finishing, “it. “rejecting”, “inscribing” do not match.
The second blank will agree with the clue that immediately follows: “the book’ s length” and its “convoluted plot”. Book is lengthy and it is difficult to understand its plot. Therefore, it will be hard, or “trying”, to finish the book.
Ans 7) “Benign” means something not causing harm. “risqué” means referring to sex in a rude and slightly shocking way. “decamp” means to leave a place suddenly and secretly or to abscond. “Pander” means to do what somebody wants, or try to please them especially when this is not acceptable or reasonable.
“immigrate” means to come to live permanently in a foreign country. “immigrate” sounds very similar to word “emigrate”, which means to leave your own country and settle permanently in another.
“incense” means to arouse the extreme anger or indignation of. “spook” means to become frightened. “Purported” means said to be true or real but not definitely true or real. “inquisition” means a harsh and unfair investigation or series of questions. “implication” means a possible future effect or result.
The Hollywood film director shuttered his studios, as a result of inquisition. But the first blank hinges on the meaning of the word “purportedly” which means pretending to be or true but not really true. The sentence implies that the bureau’ s inquisition is pretending to be harmless, or “benign”. “Suspicious”, “Risqué” do not make any sense.
The second blank requires a word that means to abscond or to leave hurriedly, “decamped” fits. The word “immigrated,” though close in meaning, is not quite right because it means to arrive at a country or region rather than to leave from it.
Ans 8) “Regress (Verb)” means to return to an earlier and usually worse or less developed state or condition. “regressive” means something tending to return to an earlier and usually worse or less developed state. “Prudish” means a person who excessively gives attention to propriety or decorum or who is easily shocked or offended by things. “Incendiary” means a person who stirs up conflict or violence. “auxiliary” means supplementary or available to provide extra help, power etc. when it is needed. “Hierarchical” means arranged in a hierarchy.
Given the lengthy explanation of the club’ s history, the elderly male member’ s suggestion was backwards, or hopelessly old-fashioned. Only “regressive” matches.
“Rustic”, “Prudish” both add something to the description of the old man that is not in the original sentence.
“play bridge and drink tea without having to worry about serious issues”, It means that women’ s organization will act like an additional or supplementary organization where they would not have to worry about serious issues. We need a word similar in meaning to supplementary or additional. Therefore, “auxiliary” fits best. The word “incendiary” (flammable) is almost an opposite of the desired word. Although the proposed organization might be “hierarchical,” there is nothing in the sentence that suggests that.
Ans 9) “wary” means cautious and “warily” means cautiously. “mendacious” means dishonest or not truthful. “Roundly” means thoroughly or completely. “Venerate” means to respect someone. “pan” means a metal container for domestic use. It has second meaning also. “pan (verb)” means to criticize severely.
The sentence indicates that there was not a single positive comment from any critic; In other words, the film was completely criticized or 100% disliked. “Roundly” means so thoroughly as to leave no doubt. Therefore, “roundly” matches best.
“Panned” means reviewed negatively and is almost always used to refer to plays, movies etc. so the word is a perfect match here- to be roundly panned would mean reviewed 100% negatively, which is exactly what the sentence suggests.  
Ans 10) “Demarcate” means to show the limits or edges of (something). Trumpet is a brass musical instrument. It has second meaning also. “Trumpet” means to praise (something) loudly and publicly especially in a way that is annoying. “improvident” means not providing or saving for the future. “taciturn” means quiet. “Dissolute” means indulging too much in physical pleasures (such as drink, sex etc.)
Jeremy is successful, but it takes his family a long time to discover his achievements. Thus, Jeremy does not brag- or even report the facts!
Therefore, “trumpet” is suitable word here for first blank. The phrase “let alone” is used to emphasize the improbability of a statement. The correct use of expression “not X, let alone Y”, requires that X be at a lower level or be an intermediate step towards Y, as in “The paper was not even comprehensible, let alone informative”. It means that paper was not comprehensible, how it can be informative. Another example: “she can’ t boil potatoes, let alone cook a meal”. Clue “let alone talk much at all”, shows that Jeremy was uncommunicative. Therefore, “taciturn” fits best.
“improvident”, “Dissolute” do not matches.  
Ans 11) “Disregard” means to ignore something or to something as unimportant. “embody” means to represent something in a clear and obvious way. “Cite” means to mention something especially as an example or to support an idea or opinion.
The first sentence states a fact about life expectancy that supports the claim that the world is improving with time. “Cite” means to mention something especially as an example or to support an idea or opinion. Therefore, “cited” is the best choice. Neither “disregarded” nor “embodied” fits with the idiom “as evidence”.
The second blank, however, says that this statistic is slightly misleading if one considers a second fact (i.e., that most children died in childbirth). While you might “prepare” for the fact or “read” for the fact, that does not change the fact. But if you “correct” for the fact that most children in that era died in childbirth, then the life expectancy for those who survived birth was nearly the same then as it is now.
Ans 12) “berserk” means out of control with anger. “pacific” means calm and peaceful. “Brusque” means talking or behaving in a very direct, brief and unfriendly way.
“Recede” means to move back or to withdraw. “Metastasize” means to spread or grow by as if by disease-producing agency. “inexorable” means relentless or not able to be stopped or changed. “ensue” means to happen as a result.  
The clue “power was inexorably transferred from more stable to less temperate ones”, shows that revolution became more agitated. Therefore, “berserk” fits best.
The second sentence states that a more peaceful time comes later, so the “excesses” should become more stable. If the agitated revolution “recede”, then a more peaceful time arrives. “Metastasize”, “grow” do not match.
Ans 13) “Deify” means to treat (someone or something) like a god. “excoriate” means to criticize (someone or something) very harshly. “Calumny” means an untrue statement that is made to damage someone’ s reputation. “obloquy” means a harsh or critical statement about someone. “garland” means a ring or rope that is made of flowers, or some other material and that is used as a decoration. It also means to adorn someone with a garland.
“Praise” is positive but does not match the clue “presidential achievements, legends, and assassination,”
Which suggests a more extreme version of positive word. That leaves the correct answer, “deification” for blank (1).
The clue “similarly” suggests that second blank also need positive word. That leaves “garlands,” the correct answer, a word that is most commonly used to describe a ring of flowers worn as an honorable decoration, but can also mean a prize or distinction.
Ans 14) “Sangfroid (or aplomb or equanimity)” means ability to stay calm and polite in a dangerous or stressful situation. “Intrepidity” means boldness or braveness.
“Mercurial” means capricious or changing mood quickly and often. “Vainglorious” means having or showing too much pride in your abilities or achievements. “Fascist” means harsh dictator or despotic ruler.
“Tirade” means a long and angry speech. The sentence says that Frederick the great was known for “his _______ under fire,” but goes on say that his “equilibrium sometimes failed him.” That is the clue. The blank must mean something like calm or composure.
“Intrepidity” (Braveness) and “cruelty” do not match.
The failed equilibrium and “they might be subjected to one of his tirades” are both clues for blank (ii), which describes the way he sometimes behaved with his ministers. He sometimes loses his composure and becomes angry.
“Mercurial” (Changing mood quickly) is the best fit. “Fascist” (Despotic) and “Vainglorious” (Boastful) go too far.
Ans 15) “Sanguine” means confident and optimistic. “Ephemeral” (or evanescent) means lasting a very short time or very short lived. High-handed means not having or showing any interest in the rights, opinions, or feelings of other people. “Peccadillo” means minor crime. “incendiary” means agitator or a person who stirs up sedition.
The sentence states that the man’ s personality is pleasing- so pleasing that “It’ s hard to be bothered by” something in his past. The first word should match pleasing, and the second blank should be something negative that others might overlook. “Sanguine” fits best for the first blank.
“Peccadilloes” are minor faults or sins-small enough that they might be overlooked. Therefore, “Peccadilloes” fits best for the second blank. “Achievement” has a positive connotation, while the second blank should convey a negative connotation. “Incendiaries” does not fit.
Ans 16) “eschew” means to avoid (something) especially because you do not think it is right, proper etc.
“Terse” means brief and indirect in a way that may seem rude or unfriendly.  “Distend” means to swell because of internal pressure. “expatiate” means to speak or write about something in a way that includes a lot of details or uses many words. “Repertory” means an organized group of actors that performs many kinds of plays with each play being performed for only a short time.
The speaker was unable to avoid her well known tendency toward something that lengthened her presentation. “Terse” means brief and “precise” means to the point. “Terse” and “Precise” are generally not something that would cause a presentation to become excessively long.
For the second blank, the clue is “turned a five-minute policy brief into an hour-long”, making “expatiation,” which means to speak or write at length, the correct choice. The speaker was unable to avoid her well-known tendency toward elaboration, this provides another clue for second blank. Therefore, “expatiation” which means to speak or write at length, the correct answer choice.
Ans 17) “Tremulous” means feeling or showing a lack of confidence or courage. “Cumbersome” burdensome or hard to handle or hard to manage. “Coltish” means lively or playful.
“Beguile” means to trick or deceive someone. “Chary of” means to be cautious of. “Diving board” means a board above a swimming pool, lake etc., that people can jump off of to dive into the water.
The clue “even more frightening” shows that child was scared. So “tremulous” matches best in blank (I).
“Coltish”, “Cumbersome” do not fit.
The sentence states that the child finds diving even more frightening than water in general, so “Chary of” (Cautious of), a less extreme version of frightening, fits. “Repulsed by”, “Beguiled by” do not fit.

Ans 18) “ascertain” means to learn or find out (something, such as information or the truth). “Plum” means something that many people want or think is good. “Grave” means important or harmful.
She was desperate to get the part in the new Michel Gundry film. The first blank needs to be a synonym of get. “Ensure” is used incorrectly-the actress might want to ensure that she gets the part, but it does not make sense to say that she wants to “ensure the part” itself.
The second blank should describe a role with “lots of onscreen time” and good scenes; you need a synonym for good. That’ s exactly what “plum” means. “Gravely” (important or harmful) and “theatrical” (relating to theater or overly dramatic in a negative way) do not fit the desired meaning.
Ans 19) “morbid” means having a strong interest in death and disease or not healthy or causing horror. “Germane” or “apposite” means relevant or related to subject in an appropriate way.” Inhospitable” means not showing hospitality or not friendly or not receptive. “Obviate” means to make something no longer necessary or it also means to prevent something from happening or prevent someone from doing something. “Lampoon” means to mock or make fun of (someone or something). “Foil” means to cause damage or prevent from succeeding or doing something.
“Desolate” means empty or lacking the people, plants, animals etc. Desolate landscapes and small populations do not sound particularly promising, and the word missing in the first sentence must reflect that. Germane means relevant, which is not the best way to describe whether or not a location is suitable for business (in fact, germane more commonly refers to comments or topics). Morbid means causing horror. Therefore, correct answer is “Inhospitable”.
We are told that South Dakota has very low taxes, this is the reason why it is a good place to start a new business. Places with high taxes, then, are probably not conducive to succeeding in business, and the missing word should reflect that. “Lampoon” means to ridicule, it is not suitable here. “Obviate” means to prevent something unnecessary, it does not quite work in this sentence. Therefore, correct answer is “foil”.
Ans 20) “Intransigent” means very stubborn. “Impervious” not allowing entrance or not capable of being damaged or harmed. “Mollify” means to calm someone or to make someone less angry. “Engender” means to generate something or to be source of something. “Forestall” means to stop something from happening or to cause to happen at a later time.
We know from word “though” that sentence convey the meaning that women are not insensitive to genetic disorders. Therefore, missing word should be the synonym of “insensitive”. To fill in the second blank, notice that we are told that women have a normal gene that produce clotting factor. Therefore, normal gene is able to prevent any life-threatening bleed. Blank should be the synonym of prevent. Therefore, forestall matches perfectly. “Mollify”, “Engender” do not make sense.  
Ans 21) “Benign” means not causing harm or not causing death. “Fallacious” means wrong or based on false idea. “Gauche” means socially awkward or showing rude behavior. “Inure” means to cause something to be less affected by something unpleasant. “Discomfit” means to make someone confused or upset. “amenable” means willing to agree or accept something that is wanted or asked for.
“Lucrative” means producing money or wealth. “thrift store” means a store that sells used goods and especially used clothes and that is suitable store for poor people. It probably seems not proper or even cruel to gain from the misfortunes of others. So, look for a synonym for one of these words in order to fill in the first blank. “Fallacious” means wrong or based on false idea or logically unsound; the gist of this passage seems to be that thrift shops are actually a very logical business venture, so you should be able to eliminate this answer. Benign will not work; it means kindly or harmless. Gauche (lacking social grace) is the best answer.
The key to filing in the other blank is to realize that while normally people might look down on thrift shops, during times of financial distress they may rethink their attitude and they shop from thrift stores during recession. Therefore, “amenable to” suits best. They would usually be discomfited by the idea of shopping at a thrift store, but the point in the passage is that the circumstances are unusual. Therefore, they are amenable to the idea of shopping from thrift stores. Therefore, “inured to”, “discomfited by” do not make sense.
Ans 22) “Inveterate” means something always happening or always existing. “Pugnacious” means quarrelsome or showing desire to fight or argue. ”Indigenous” means native or inborn. “Deleterious” means damaging or harmful. “Perfidious” means disloyal or one who cannot be trusted. “Covert” means secret or hidden.
“Invasive” means tending to invade or tending to enter (a place) in large numbers in order to control it.
Invasive species is a threat to local or native plants and animals, so the first blank probably means something like native. Therefore, “indigenous” fits best for the first blank. Inveterate means something always happening or always existing, but it more commonly refers to feelings, practices, or even diseases than it does to plants and animals. “Pugnacious” does not make any sense.
Invasive species attack and kill all varieties of ash trees. Therefore, they are harmful for indigenous species. “Perfidious”, “Covert” do not make sense.
Ans 23) “Corporeal” means consisting of or related to physical body. “Craven” means very cowardly or having or showing a complete lack of courage. “Visceral” means something strongly felt or as if in the internal organs of the body. For example: <Visceral reaction>. “Taciturn” means uncommunicative. “Prudish” means a person one who gives too much attention to proprieties or one who is easily shocked or offended by small things.
“Ordeal” means an experience that is very unpleasant or difficult. “commotion” means noisy confusion or disturbance. We know that the first missing word modifies fear, so it must describe a particular kind of fear. You can most likely rule out craven right away; although certain fears might be cowardly, the tone of the passage is sympathetic towards the man, not disapproving. The other clue is that his fear causes him to sweat, fear is strongly felt as if it is in the internal organs of body. Therefore, visceral is more likely to be used in the context of a fear. To fill in the second blank, we have a clue “his fear of humiliation”, we need a word that will explain the man’ s reluctance to be noticed. Therefore, we need a word that means shy or something synonymous. Therefore, Diffident fits well. “Prudish”, “Taciturn” do not fit well.
Ans 24) “Harbinger” means something that shows what is coming. “Incursion” means a sudden invasion or attack. “Approbation” means praise or approval. “Corroboration” means support. “Reciprocity” means a situation or relationship in which two people or groups agree to do something similar for each other.
“Folklore” means traditional beliefs or customs. The statement “belief is not backed by scientific evidence”, should clue you in to the kind of word you need for the first blank-specifically a word implying that green skies predict tornadoes. Therefore, “Harbinger” fits well. “Propagation”, “incursion” do not make sense.
As for the second blank, we are told that even radar is not an entirely reliable indicator of tornadoes, and that eyewitness accounts are also needed; the missing word something like confirmation. “reciprocity” means mutual agreement, it is somewhat awkward here, particularly given that we are told that radar requires eyewitness and we are not told that the eyewitness accounts require radar confirmation. Therefore, reciprocity does not work well. “Corroboration” fits well.
Ans 25) “mundane” means dull and boring. “Frugal” means careful about spending money. “Bogus” means not real or genuine. “Tenacity” means ability to continue for a long time or very determined to do something. “Presumption” means a belief that something is true even though it has not been proved. It has second meaning also. It also means audacity. “Sophistry” means clever arguments that are actually false.
For first blank, we need a word describing beginning of companies, the clue “Sony’ s first product was an ineffective rice cooker”, shows that beginning was ordinary. “Frugal” means careful about spending money. The sentence has nothing to do with money. Bogus, on the other hand is negative; we have no reason to think that these companies have origins that are counterfeit or not genuine. Mundane means not interesting or dull or very ordinary, works well here. Ordinary product was launched by company Sony.
AS for the second blank, we are looking for a quality- that could help get a business off the ground. Presumption (bold or insolent behavior) could not help a business survive, it is somewhat negative that the sentence as a whole does not justify. Tenacity (perseverance) fits well, sophistry does not make sense.
Ans 26) “Pellucid” means very clear. “Turbid” means not clean or muddy. “Quiescent” means not active or not now developing. “August” means dignified or venerable or having an impressive quality. “Irrevocable” means not capable of being changed. “Portentous” means giving a sign or warning that something usually bad or unpleasant is going to happen. It has second meaning also. It also means something trying to seem important, serious or impressive.
If the speaker was charmed by Mediterranean, the missing word must be positive. Therefore, “turbid” is not valid. Quiescent is not a negative description, we are more likely to admire the stillness of a pond or lake than we are that of a sea or ocean. “Pellucid” fits well. “Stately” means very impressive in appearance, manner. “Pediment” means triangular part above the entrance of a classical building. The keys to filling in the second blank are the words grandeur, stately and imposing. We need a word that conveys a similar sense of majesty. Portentous (sign that something bad is about to happen or something important) is better, but often hints at an underlying threat or danger that does not make sense in this context. “August” (venerable or having an impressive quality) is the best answer.

Q 1) While far from the bane that some scholars have declared them to be, _________ versions of novels and essay do indeed excise essential elements; students would have to supplement their reading with ________sources to fully understand the intent of the original.
A) Annotated                                                  A) Complementary
B) Abridged                                                     B) Complimentary
C) Antedated                                                   C) Compelling
Q 2) Far too ________ to consider a career in the political limelight, the unassuming aide contented herself with a career behind the scenes, ________ supporting the political heavyweights of her day.
A) Diffident                                                  A) Implicitly
B) Apathetic                                                B) Quietly
C) Ideological                                              C) Skeptically
Q 3) Despite his longtime advocacy for campaign finance reform, the career politician was, in fact, far more ________ corporate interests than his rival, whose relatively recent entry into the political arena meant that he had far fewer ______ to make good on.
A) leery of                                                        A) affiliations
B) beholden to                                                B) dilemmas
C) apathetic about                                          C) obligations
Q 4) Two years after the legislature’ s ________ approval of the community arts center, construction came to an equally public standstill, largely due to the unforeseen hemorrhaging of the _______ funds at the hands of spendthrift leaders.
A) Scorned                                                     A) Stolen
B) Heralded                                                   B) Exacerbated
C) Ratified                                                      C) Appropriated
Q 5) The relation between the two leaders has gone from positively ______ to chilly at best, not least because the recent arms scandal threatens to _________ the mutual trust that has been held on both sides for years.
A) Peaceful                                                     A) Bolster
B) Reverent                                                    B) Erode
C) Congenial                                                   C) Fester
Q 6) The author was far from _________ the novel. While most of the book was already written, he knew that it would take innumerable hours to review and edit. This was going to be _________, not only because of the book’ s length, but also because of the convoluted plot.
A) Finishing                                                      A) Hardy
B) Inscribing                                                     B) Trying
C) Rejecting                                                      C) Redundant
Q 7) Incensed, and perhaps spooked, by the implications of the bureau’ s purportedly __________ inquisition, the Hollywood film director shuttered his studios, suspended production of numerous projects, and ______ with his wife to Europe.
A) Suspicious                                                     A) Immigrated
B) Benign                                                           B) Decamped
C) Risqué’                                                           C) Pandered
Q 8) The club had been all male up until 1963, when it began to admit women, who now make up more of the membership; hence, the female club president was both annoyed and amused at an elderly male member’ s _________ suggestion that women be shuffled off to ________ organization where they could play bridge and drink tea without having to worry about serious issues.
A) Regressive                                                       A) An incendiary
B) Rustic                                                                B) An auxiliary
C) Prudish                                                             C) A hierarchical
Q 9) The film was __________ _________ by critics; rightfully, not a single reviewer had any positive thing to say about it.
A) Warily                                                               A) Lauded
B) Mendaciously                                                  B) Panned
C) Roundly                                                             C) Venerated
Q 10) Jeremy was not one to _________ his success, let alone talk much at all, so his family was shocked when they finally discovered that their __________ son was a Rhodes Scholar.
A) Demarcate                                                         A) improvident
B) Whitewash                                                         B) Taciturn
C) Trumpet                                                              C) Dissolute
Q 11) The fact that the average life expectancy ten thousand years ago was so much shorter than it is now is often ________ as evidence supporting the notion that the world always improves with time. However, if you _______ for the fact that most children in that epoch died in childbirth, life expectancy for those who survived birth was nearly the same then as it is now.
A) Cited                                                                       A) Prepare
B) Disregarded                                                           B) Read
C) Embodied                                                               C) Correct
Q 12) Crane Brinton argued that the middle phases of revolutions are especially __________ because the unleashed force of social momentum transfers power inexorably from more stable (if oppressive) forces to less temperate ones. Yet, he then goes on to say that the excesses ______ and a more peaceful period ensues.
A) Brusque                                                                 A) Metastasize
B) Berserk                                                                  B) Grow
C) Pacific                                                                    C) Recede
Q 13) The virtual ______ of John F. Kennedy focuses on his presidential achievements, legend, and assassination; similarly, during his candidacy, verbal and written ________ were laid at the altar of his wartime exploits.
A) Deification                                                              A) Calumnies
B) Excoriation                                                              B) Garlands
C) Praise                                                                        C) Obloquies
Q 14) Frederick the Great of Prussia was known for his ________ under fire during his military victories; however, when confronting issues of domestic policy, this equilibrium sometimes failed him. He was often _________ with his ministers, who never knew when they might be subjected to one of his tirades.
A) Intrepidity                                                                A) Fascist
B) Cruelty                                                                      B) Mercurial
C) Sangfroid                                                                  C) Vainglorious
Q 15) He has such a pleasingly ________ personality that it is hard to be bothered by the __________ in his past.
A) Sanguine                                                                   A) Peccadilloes
B) High-handed                                                             B) Incendiaries
C) Evanescent                                                                C) Achievements
Q 16) Unable to eschew her well-known tendency toward ________, the speaker effectively turned a five-minute policy brief into an hour-long ________ on the history of the region.
A) Terseness                                                                  A) Distension
B) precision                                                                    B) Expatiation
C) elaboration                                                                C) Repertory
Q 17) The _________ child approached the diving board; _________ water in the first place, he found the prospect of jumping into it from some height even more frightening.
A) Tremulous                                                                  A) Beguiled by
B) Coltish                                                                         B) Chary of
C) Cumbersome                                                             C) Repulsed by

Q 18) The actress was desperate to ________ the part in the new Michel Gundry film. It was ______ role, with lots of onscreen time and a number of long scenes that would allow the actress, usually cast as a vapid ingénue or bombshell, to truly show her dramatic range.
A) Land                                                                              A) A grave
B) Ascertain                                                                      B) A plum
C) Ensure                                                                           C) A theatrical
Q 19) Although its desolate landscapes and small population may make South Dakota seem a __________ locale, it is actually one of the best places to start a business. High taxes in eastern states like New York and New Jersey can _______ even well-planned ventures. In contrast, South Dakota has some of the lowest taxes in the country.
A) Morbid                                                                           A) Foil
B) Inhospitable                                                                  B) Obviate
C) Germane                                                                        C) Lampoon
Q 20) Women, though not ________ genetic disorders generally, are far less likely than men to display symptoms of an X-linked hereditary disease such as hemophilia. In the case of hemophilia, for example, the woman’ s second, X chromosome acts as a kind of buffer, the normal gene is typically able to produce enough clotting factors to __________ any life-threatening bleeds.
A) Inclined to                                                                      A) Mollify
B) Intransigent towards                                                    B) Forestall
C) Impervious to                                                                 C) Engender
Q 21) Although it no doubt seems ________ to profit from the misfortune of others, it is for precisely this reason that thrift shops are one of the more lucrative businesses to start during a recession. In times of financial distress, those who would normally consider shopping at thrift stores to be beneath them may be more _________ the idea, while others may rush to get rid of their old possessions in exchange for cash.
A) Fallacious                                                                         A) Discomfited by
B) Benign                                                                               B) Inured to
C) Gauche                                                                              C) Amenable to
Q 22) Invasive species constitute a serious threat to __________ plants and animals, whether by preying on them directly or competing with them for resources. The emerald ash borer has had a particularly _______ effect on the environment; as it name implies, it attacks and kills all varieties of ash trees, and it is spreading throughout the United states at an alarming rate.
A) Inveterate                                                                       A) Deleterious
B) Pugnacious                                                                      B) Covert
C) Indigenous                                                                       C) Perfidious
Q 23) His _______ fear of heights was at times a crippling disability; the mere thought of boarding an airplane was enough to send him into a cold sweat, so long-distance trips were an ordeal. And yet it was ultimately his fear of humiliation that proved most taxing. A naturally ______ man, he did his best to avoid being noticed and was deeply pained by the commotion, his panic attacks often produced among bystanders.
A) Corporeal                                                                          A) Prudish
B) Visceral                                                                              B) Taciturn
C) Craven                                                                                C) Diffident
Q 24) Although folklore regards a green sky as a _______ of tornadoes, the belief is not backed by scientific evidence. In fact, tornadoes are one of the more unpredictable forms of severe weather; although radar can detect signs indicating a possible tornado, such data generally requires eyewitness _____.
A) Propagation                                                                       A) Reciprocity
B) Incursion                                                                            B) Approbation
C) Harbinger                                                                           C) Corroboration
Q 25) The most successful companies can have humble-even ___________ beginnings; that Sony’ s first product was an ineffective rice cooker surely proves that ________ is nearly as important as vision when trying to get a business off the ground.
A) Mundane                                                                           A) Tenacity
B) Frugal                                                                                 B) Presumption
C) Bogus                                                                                  C) Sophistry
Q 26) Though we were charmed by the __________ waters of the Mediterranean, the highlight of our trip to Greece was undoubtedly the chance to visit the Parthenon. Photos cannot adequately capture the grandeur of this ________ relic from ancient times, so we found ourselves stunned into silence when confronted by its stately columns and imposing pediments.
A) Pellucid                                                                             A) Portentous
B) Turbid                                                                                B) August
C) Quiescent                                                                          C) Irrevocable
Q 27) In order to appreciate Byzantine art, one must first accept that its goal is not _______ but something more like expressiveness. Particularly noteworthy are the large and luminous eyes that lend an almost _______ expression to the figures that populate Byzantine paintings.
A) Dexterity                                                                            A) facetious
B) Palpability                                                                          B) Plaintive
C) Verisimilitude                                                                    C) Impassive
Q 28) While the study of viruses is important in and of itself, it must be noted that it also has potential _______ for other areas of medicine. For example, a handful of otherwise innocuous viruses may ______ the development of certain forms of cancer; the Epstein-Barr virus has so far been linked to Hodgkin’ s lymphoma, Burkitt’ s lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma and central nervous system lymphomas associated with HIV.
A) Proscriptions                                                                      A) Precipitate
B) exigencies                                                                           B) Attenuate
C) Ramifications                                                                     C) truncate
Q 29) While most people are aware of the existence of vestigial structures like the appendix, far fewer realize that humans also retain some reflexes and behaviors that, though ________ now, would have proven valuable to the organisms from which we evolved. Goose bumps, for example, cause whatever fur an animal has to stand on end, thereby making it appear larger and a more _________ opponent when faced with a potential predator.
A) Superfluous                                                                        A) Impassive
B) Apocryphal                                                                          B) formidable
C) exiguous                                                                              C) obsequious
Q 30) The governor signed the bill into law despite widespread and _____ objections, leading some to question whether he truly had the people’ s best interest at heart. In response to such criticisms, the governor merely stated that the new laws, however ______ in the short term, were ultimately necessary.
A) Bombastic                                                                            A) Unpalatable
B) Moribund                                                                             B) Imminent
C) Vociferous                                                                             C) Execrable
Q 31) As the ________ of salt water and fresh water, estuaries fulfill an important environmental role. Their _______ waters provide a safe place for primarily sea-going fish like salmon to spawn, while conversely consulting the more permanent home for eels and other inland fish that breed in the ocean.
A) Quagmire                                                                              A) Brackish
B) Nexus                                                                                     B) Noisome
C) Melee                                                                                     C) Viscous
Q 32) Although we tend to think of our judgements of others as ___________ observations, the reality is that a variety of unconscious beliefs and biases affect our opinions. For example, we so expect a person’ s physical appearance to _______ his overall intelligence and morality that attractive people ae more likely to receive good grades in school and land a well-paying job.
A) dispassionate                                                                        A) Ascribe to
B) Chary                                                                                      B) Purport to
C) Momentous                                                                           C) Jibe with
Q 33) Although the _________ against murder is universal, the definition of the crime is highly ________. A strict adherence to Buddhist teachings, for example, would most likely lead one to condemn even killing in self-defense, which is generally tolerated in modern society.
A) litigation                                                                                A) Contentious
B) Vituperation                                                                         B) fallacious
C) Proscription                                                                          C) Inclusive
Q 34) Those unfamiliar with her _________ sense of humor tended to take her words at face value, and were sometimes repelled by her apparent inability to speak seriously of any subject. For those in the know, however, her _______ remarks were endlessly entertaining.
A) Flippant                                                                                  A) Jocular
B) Raucous                                                                                  B) Iconoclastic
C) Erudite                                                                                   C) Equivocal
Q 35) Cyrano de Bergerac, as he is portrayed in Rostand’ s play, is something of a _________. For all his swagger and ______ words, he remains a deeply sympathetic character, no doubt because at heart he is simply an insecure man tormented by unrequited love.
A) Archetype                                                                              A) Licentious
B) Paradox                                                                                  B) Iconoclastic
C) Cliché                                                                                      C) Bombastic
Q 36) Although the differences are no doubt _________ to the casual listener, various studies have that men and women do not use language in precisely the same way. Men, for example, are far more likely to compliment women that vice versa, perhaps due to deeply ingrained cultural attitudes that condemn as ________ any romantically assertive woman.
A) Pertinent                                                                                A) Garish
B) Blatant                                                                                    B) Brazen
C) Indiscernible                                                                          C) Capricious
Q 37) Gazelles are known to be fast as well as ___________; this often leads people to __________ dance and ballet performers with these graceful creatures of the Savanna.
A) erratic                                                                                      A) Associates
B) Lithe                                                                                         B) Trivialize
C) Diaphanous                                                                            C) Defer
Q 38) Good financial ________ is required to run a small business, and if you are not ______ in the ways of accounting, you should consider hiring a professional.
A) Vitiate                                                                                      A) Pliant
B) Acumen                                                                                    B) Learned
C) Credence                                                                                 C) frenetic
Q 39) The study of metallurgy involves the mining and processing of metal ________, as well as the mixing of different types of metals to form _______.
A) Magma                                                                                     A) Composites
B) Ore                                                                                             B) deposits        
C) Treacle                                                                                      C) Striates
Q 40) Monarch butterflies have a very long and often _____ migration route that can often take them several months depending on their _______ in North America.
A) Vicarious                                                                                   A) Volition
B) Fractious                                                                                   B) Origin
C) Precarious                                                                                 C) Polarity
Q 41) “Shooting stars” are meteors, hunks of rocks that _________ through space, that burn up in the Earth’ s atmosphere in a streak that can often be seen by the naked eye; meteorites are pieces of meteors that are not completely _________ and fall all the way to the ground.
A) Hurtle                                                                                        A) Collated
B) Waft                                                                                          B) Extirpated
C) Droll                                                                                           C) Serrated
Q 42) The people’ s ________ toward their repressive government increased when they heard that a series of long-promised reforms were _________. The parliament had been suspended indefinitely, meaning that no changes would be made for the foreseeable future.
A) Revulsion                                                                                   A) Saprophagous
B) Fidelity                                                                                        B) Moribund
C) Rancor                                                                                         C) Nascent
Q 43) The former dictator’ s ________ was legendary, although it was only after he was deposed, the full extent of his wealth became now – huge mansions spread across the country, and a ________ of luxury goods.
A) Prowess                                                                                      A) Paucity
B) Cupidity                                                                                      B) Surfeit
C) Prudishness                                                                                C) Postulate
Q 44) Medieval European rulers often tried to legitimize their rule by _______ ties to the ancient Roman Empire. Although actual ties were tenuous, this strategy engendered the German emperor adopting the ______ title of “Holy Roman Emperor”.
A) Rending                                                                                        A) Ludicrous
B) Alleviating                                                                                    B) Grandiose
C) Espousing                                                                                     C) Gregarious

 Q 1) While far from the bane that some scholars have declared them to be, _________ versions of novels and essay do indeed excise essential elements; students would have to supplement their reading with ________sources to fully understand the intent of the original.
A) Annotated                                                  A) Complementary
B) Abridged                                                     B) Complimentary
C) Antedated                                                   C) Compelling
Q 2) Far too ________ to consider a career in the political limelight, the unassuming aide contented herself with a career behind the scenes, ________ supporting the political heavyweights of her day.
A) Diffident                                                  A) Implicitly
B) Apathetic                                                B) Quietly
C) Ideological                                              C) Skeptically
Q 3) Despite his longtime advocacy for campaign finance reform, the career politician was, in fact, far more ________ corporate interests than his rival, whose relatively recent entry into the political arena meant that he had far fewer ______ to make good on.
A) leery of                                                        A) affiliations
B) beholden to                                                B) dilemmas
C) apathetic about                                          C) obligations
Q 4) Two years after the legislature’ s ________ approval of the community arts center, construction came to an equally public standstill, largely due to the unforeseen hemorrhaging of the _______ funds at the hands of spendthrift leaders.
A) Scorned                                                     A) Stolen
B) Heralded                                                   B) Exacerbated
C) Ratified                                                      C) Appropriated
Q 5) The relation between the two leaders has gone from positively ______ to chilly at best, not least because the recent arms scandal threatens to _________ the mutual trust that has been held on both sides for years.
A) Peaceful                                                     A) Bolster
B) Reverent                                                    B) Erode
C) Congenial                                                   C) Fester
Q 6) The author was far from _________ the novel. While most of the book was already written, he knew that it would take innumerable hours to review and edit. This was going to be _________, not only because of the book’ s length, but also because of the convoluted plot.
A) Finishing                                                      A) Hardy
B) Inscribing                                                     B) Trying
C) Rejecting                                                      C) Redundant
Q 7) Incensed, and perhaps spooked, by the implications of the bureau’ s purportedly __________ inquisition, the Hollywood film director shuttered his studios, suspended production of numerous projects, and ______ with his wife to Europe.
A) Suspicious                                                     A) Immigrated
B) Benign                                                           B) Decamped
C) Risqué’                                                           C) Pandered
Q 8) The club had been all male up until 1963, when it began to admit women, who now make up more of the membership; hence, the female club president was both annoyed and amused at an elderly male member’ s _________ suggestion that women be shuffled off to ________ organization where they could play bridge and drink tea without having to worry about serious issues.
A) Regressive                                                       A) An incendiary
B) Rustic                                                                B) An auxiliary
C) Prudish                                                             C) A hierarchical
Q 9) The film was __________ _________ by critics; rightfully, not a single reviewer had any positive thing to say about it.
A) Warily                                                               A) Lauded
B) Mendaciously                                                  B) Panned
C) Roundly                                                             C) Venerated
Q 10) Jeremy was not one to _________ his success, let alone talk much at all, so his family was shocked when they finally discovered that their __________ son was a Rhodes Scholar.
A) Demarcate                                                         A) improvident
B) Whitewash                                                         B) Taciturn
C) Trumpet                                                              C) Dissolute
Q 11) The fact that the average life expectancy ten thousand years ago was so much shorter than it is now is often ________ as evidence supporting the notion that the world always improves with time. However, if you _______ for the fact that most children in that epoch died in childbirth, life expectancy for those who survived birth was nearly the same then as it is now.
A) Cited                                                                       A) Prepare
B) Disregarded                                                           B) Read
C) Embodied                                                               C) Correct
Q 12) Crane Brinton argued that the middle phases of revolutions are especially __________ because the unleashed force of social momentum transfers power inexorably from more stable (if oppressive) forces to less temperate ones. Yet, he then goes on to say that the excesses ______ and a more peaceful period ensues.
A) Brusque                                                                 A) Metastasize
B) Berserk                                                                  B) Grow
C) Pacific                                                                    C) Recede
Q 13) The virtual ______ of John F. Kennedy focuses on his presidential achievements, legend, and assassination; similarly, during his candidacy, verbal and written ________ were laid at the altar of his wartime exploits.
A) Deification                                                              A) Calumnies
B) Excoriation                                                              B) Garlands
C) Praise                                                                        C) Obloquies
Q 14) Frederick the Great of Prussia was known for his ________ under fire during his military victories; however, when confronting issues of domestic policy, this equilibrium sometimes failed him. He was often _________ with his ministers, who never knew when they might be subjected to one of his tirades.
A) Intrepidity                                                                A) Fascist
B) Cruelty                                                                      B) Mercurial
C) Sangfroid                                                                  C) Vainglorious
Q 15) He has such a pleasingly ________ personality that it is hard to be bothered by the __________ in his past.
A) Sanguine                                                                   A) Peccadilloes
B) High-handed                                                             B) Incendiaries
C) Evanescent                                                                C) Achievements
Q 16) Unable to eschew her well-known tendency toward ________, the speaker effectively turned a five-minute policy brief into an hour-long ________ on the history of the region.
A) Terseness                                                                  A) Distension
B) precision                                                                    B) Expatiation
C) elaboration                                                                C) Repertory
Q 17) The _________ child approached the diving board; _________ water in the first place, he found the prospect of jumping into it from some height even more frightening.
A) Tremulous                                                                  A) Beguiled by
B) Coltish                                                                         B) Chary of
C) Cumbersome                                                             C) Repulsed by

Q 18) The actress was desperate to ________ the part in the new Michel Gundry film. It was ______ role, with lots of onscreen time and a number of long scenes that would allow the actress, usually cast as a vapid ingénue or bombshell, to truly show her dramatic range.
A) Land                                                                              A) A grave
B) Ascertain                                                                      B) A plum
C) Ensure                                                                           C) A theatrical
Q 19) Although its desolate landscapes and small population may make South Dakota seem a __________ locale, it is actually one of the best places to start a business. High taxes in eastern states like New York and New Jersey can _______ even well-planned ventures. In contrast, South Dakota has some of the lowest taxes in the country.
A) Morbid                                                                           A) Foil
B) Inhospitable                                                                  B) Obviate
C) Germane                                                                        C) Lampoon
Q 20) Women, though not ________ genetic disorders generally, are far less likely than men to display symptoms of an X-linked hereditary disease such as hemophilia. In the case of hemophilia, for example, the woman’ s second, X chromosome acts as a kind of buffer, the normal gene is typically able to produce enough clotting factors to __________ any life-threatening bleeds.
A) Inclined to                                                                      A) Mollify
B) Intransigent towards                                                    B) Forestall
C) Impervious to                                                                 C) Engender
Q 21) Although it no doubt seems ________ to profit from the misfortune of others, it is for precisely this reason that thrift shops are one of the more lucrative businesses to start during a recession. In times of financial distress, those who would normally consider shopping at thrift stores to be beneath them may be more _________ the idea, while others may rush to get rid of their old possessions in exchange for cash.
A) Fallacious                                                                         A) Discomfited by
B) Benign                                                                               B) Inured to
C) Gauche                                                                              C) Amenable to
Q 22) Invasive species constitute a serious threat to __________ plants and animals, whether by preying on them directly or competing with them for resources. The emerald ash borer has had a particularly _______ effect on the environment; as it name implies, it attacks and kills all varieties of ash trees, and it is spreading throughout the United states at an alarming rate.
A) Inveterate                                                                       A) Deleterious
B) Pugnacious                                                                      B) Covert
C) Indigenous                                                                       C) Perfidious
Q 23) His _______ fear of heights was at times a crippling disability; the mere thought of boarding an airplane was enough to send him into a cold sweat, so long-distance trips were an ordeal. And yet it was ultimately his fear of humiliation that proved most taxing. A naturally ______ man, he did his best to avoid being noticed and was deeply pained by the commotion, his panic attacks often produced among bystanders.
A) Corporeal                                                                          A) Prudish
B) Visceral                                                                              B) Taciturn
C) Craven                                                                                C) Diffident
Q 24) Although folklore regards a green sky as a _______ of tornadoes, the belief is not backed by scientific evidence. In fact, tornadoes are one of the more unpredictable forms of severe weather; although radar can detect signs indicating a possible tornado, such data generally requires eyewitness _____.
A) Propagation                                                                       A) Reciprocity
B) Incursion                                                                            B) Approbation
C) Harbinger                                                                           C) Corroboration
Q 25) The most successful companies can have humble-even ___________ beginnings; that Sony’ s first product was an ineffective rice cooker surely proves that ________ is nearly as important as vision when trying to get a business off the ground.
A) Mundane                                                                           A) Tenacity
B) Frugal                                                                                 B) Presumption
C) Bogus                                                                                  C) Sophistry
Q 26) Though we were charmed by the __________ waters of the Mediterranean, the highlight of our trip to Greece was undoubtedly the chance to visit the Parthenon. Photos cannot adequately capture the grandeur of this ________ relic from ancient times, so we found ourselves stunned into silence when confronted by its stately columns and imposing pediments.
A) Pellucid                                                                             A) Portentous
B) Turbid                                                                                B) August
C) Quiescent                                                                          C) Irrevocable
Q 27) In order to appreciate Byzantine art, one must first accept that its goal is not _______ but something more like expressiveness. Particularly noteworthy are the large and luminous eyes that lend an almost _______ expression to the figures that populate Byzantine paintings.
A) Dexterity                                                                            A) facetious
B) Palpability                                                                          B) Plaintive
C) Verisimilitude                                                                    C) Impassive
Q 28) While the study of viruses is important in and of itself, it must be noted that it also has potential _______ for other areas of medicine. For example, a handful of otherwise innocuous viruses may ______ the development of certain forms of cancer; the Epstein-Barr virus has so far been linked to Hodgkin’ s lymphoma, Burkitt’ s lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma and central nervous system lymphomas associated with HIV.
A) Proscriptions                                                                      A) Precipitate
B) exigencies                                                                           B) Attenuate
C) Ramifications                                                                     C) truncate
Q 29) While most people are aware of the existence of vestigial structures like the appendix, far fewer realize that humans also retain some reflexes and behaviors that, though ________ now, would have proven valuable to the organisms from which we evolved. Goose bumps, for example, cause whatever fur an animal has to stand on end, thereby making it appear larger and a more _________ opponent when faced with a potential predator.
A) Superfluous                                                                        A) Impassive
B) Apocryphal                                                                          B) formidable
C) exiguous                                                                              C) obsequious
Q 30) The governor signed the bill into law despite widespread and _____ objections, leading some to question whether he truly had the people’ s best interest at heart. In response to such criticisms, the governor merely stated that the new laws, however ______ in the short term, were ultimately necessary.
A) Bombastic                                                                            A) Unpalatable
B) Moribund                                                                             B) Imminent
C) Vociferous                                                                             C) Execrable
Q 31) As the ________ of salt water and fresh water, estuaries fulfill an important environmental role. Their _______ waters provide a safe place for primarily sea-going fish like salmon to spawn, while conversely consulting the more permanent home for eels and other inland fish that breed in the ocean.
A) Quagmire                                                                              A) Brackish
B) Nexus                                                                                     B) Noisome
C) Melee                                                                                     C) Viscous
Q 32) Although we tend to think of our judgements of others as ___________ observations, the reality is that a variety of unconscious beliefs and biases affect our opinions. For example, we so expect a person’ s physical appearance to _______ his overall intelligence and morality that attractive people ae more likely to receive good grades in school and land a well-paying job.
A) dispassionate                                                                        A) Ascribe to
B) Chary                                                                                      B) Purport to
C) Momentous                                                                           C) Jibe with
Q 33) Although the _________ against murder is universal, the definition of the crime is highly ________. A strict adherence to Buddhist teachings, for example, would most likely lead one to condemn even killing in self-defense, which is generally tolerated in modern society.
A) litigation                                                                                A) Contentious
B) Vituperation                                                                         B) fallacious
C) Proscription                                                                          C) Inclusive
Q 34) Those unfamiliar with her _________ sense of humor tended to take her words at face value, and were sometimes repelled by her apparent inability to speak seriously of any subject. For those in the know, however, her _______ remarks were endlessly entertaining.
A) Flippant                                                                                  A) Jocular
B) Raucous                                                                                  B) Iconoclastic
C) Erudite                                                                                   C) Equivocal
Q 35) Cyrano de Bergerac, as he is portrayed in Rostand’ s play, is something of a _________. For all his swagger and ______ words, he remains a deeply sympathetic character, no doubt because at heart he is simply an insecure man tormented by unrequited love.
A) Archetype                                                                              A) Licentious
B) Paradox                                                                                  B) Iconoclastic
C) Cliché                                                                                      C) Bombastic
Q 36) Although the differences are no doubt _________ to the casual listener, various studies have that men and women do not use language in precisely the same way. Men, for example, are far more likely to compliment women that vice versa, perhaps due to deeply ingrained cultural attitudes that condemn as ________ any romantically assertive woman.
A) Pertinent                                                                                A) Garish
B) Blatant                                                                                    B) Brazen
C) Indiscernible                                                                          C) Capricious
Q 37) Gazelles are known to be fast as well as ___________; this often leads people to __________ dance and ballet performers with these graceful creatures of the Savanna.
A) erratic                                                                                      A) Associates
B) Lithe                                                                                         B) Trivialize
C) Diaphanous                                                                            C) Defer
Q 38) Good financial ________ is required to run a small business, and if you are not ______ in the ways of accounting, you should consider hiring a professional.
A) Vitiate                                                                                      A) Pliant
B) Acumen                                                                                    B) Learned
C) Credence                                                                                 C) frenetic
Q 39) The study of metallurgy involves the mining and processing of metal ________, as well as the mixing of different types of metals to form _______.
A) Magma                                                                                     A) Composites
B) Ore                                                                                             B) deposits        
C) Treacle                                                                                      C) Striates
Q 40) Monarch butterflies have a very long and often _____ migration route that can often take them several months depending on their _______ in North America.
A) Vicarious                                                                                   A) Volition
B) Fractious                                                                                   B) Origin
C) Precarious                                                                                 C) Polarity
Q 41) “Shooting stars” are meteors, hunks of rocks that _________ through space, that burn up in the Earth’ s atmosphere in a streak that can often be seen by the naked eye; meteorites are pieces of meteors that are not completely _________ and fall all the way to the ground.
A) Hurtle                                                                                        A) Collated
B) Waft                                                                                          B) Extirpated
C) Droll                                                                                           C) Serrated
Q 42) The people’ s ________ toward their repressive government increased when they heard that a series of long-promised reforms were _________. The parliament had been suspended indefinitely, meaning that no changes would be made for the foreseeable future.
A) Revulsion                                                                                   A) Saprophagous
B) Fidelity                                                                                        B) Moribund
C) Rancor                                                                                         C) Nascent
Q 43) The former dictator’ s ________ was legendary, although it was only after he was deposed, the full extent of his wealth became now – huge mansions spread across the country, and a ________ of luxury goods.
A) Prowess                                                                                      A) Paucity
B) Cupidity                                                                                      B) Surfeit
C) Prudishness                                                                                C) Postulate
Q 44) Medieval European rulers often tried to legitimize their rule by _______ ties to the ancient Roman Empire. Although actual ties were tenuous, this strategy engendered the German emperor adopting the ______ title of “Holy Roman Emperor”.
A) Rending                                                                                        A) Ludicrous
B) Alleviating                                                                                    B) Grandiose
C) Espousing                                                                                     C) Gregarious

Usefulness/Productiveness ·          Efficacy (Noun) ·          Effectiveness (Noun) EFFICACY (Noun) Meaning: The power to produce...