Thursday, September 14, 2017

·         Audacious (Adj.)
·         Dauntless (Adj.)
·         Undaunted (Adj.)
·         Fearless (Adj.)
·         Gallant (Adj.)
·         Doughty (Adj.)
·         Intrepid (Adj.)
·         Valiant (Adj.)
·         Valorous (Adj.)
·         Gutsy (Adj.)
·         Stout (Adj.)
·         Stalwart (Adj.)
·         Pluck (Noun)
·         Valor (Noun)
Explanation: Pluck (Verb) means to pull (something) quickly to remove it. For example: - <He was plucking flower>. It has second meaning also. Pluck (Noun) means courage.
·         Authentic (Adj.)
·         Legitimate (Adj.)
·         Veritable (Adj.)
Genuineness/ Truth
·         Veracity (Noun)
·         Pandemic (Noun & Adj.)
·         Epidemic (Noun & Adj.)
Explanation: Pandemic (or Epidemic) (Adj.) means occurring over a wide geographical area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population. Pandemic (or Epidemic) (Adj.) means an occurrence in which a disease spreads very quickly.
·         Counterfeit (Adj. & Noun)
·         Factitious (Adj.)
Inborn/Existing since birth
·         Intrinsic (Adj.)
·         Innate (Adj.)
·         Inherent (Adj.)
·         Congenital (Adj.)
To persuade/To influence/To convince
·         Cajole (Verb)
·         Coax (Verb)
·         Wheedle (Verb)
·         Exhort (Verb)
·         Urge (Verb)
·         Woo (Verb)
·         Cogent (Adj.)
Explanation: Cogent (Adj.) means convincing argument.
Perfect example
Perfect example
·         Paragon (Noun)
·         Epitome (Noun)
·         Apotheosis (Noun)
·         Paradigm (Noun)
·         Prototype (Noun)
·         Archetype (Noun)
·         Quintessence (Noun)
To be a perfect example of something
·         Embody (Verb)
To beg (someone)
·         Beseech (Verb)
·         implore (Verb)
·         Importune (Verb)
·         Supplicate (Verb)
·         Solicit (Verb)
·         Entreaty (Noun)
Explanation: Entreaty (Noun) means serious request for something.
To ruin the surface of (something)
·         Deface (Verb)
·         Mar (Verb)
Not interesting/Dull/Boring
·         Prosaic (Adj.)
·         Humdrum (Adj.)
·         Mundane (Adj.)
·         Banal (Adj.)
·         Hackneyed (Adj.)
·         Trite (Adj.)
·         Threadbare (Adj.)
·         Quotidian (Adj.)
·         Vapid (Adj.)
·         Insipid (Adj.)
Activate/Speed up
·         Expedite (Verb)
·         Catalyst (Noun)
Explanation: Expedite (Noun) means to activate or speed up. Catalyst (Noun) means a person or event that activates something.
To stir up revolt
To stir up revolt
·         Incite (Verb)
·         Instigate (Verb)
·         Provoke (Verb)
·         Foment (Verb)
Revolution/violent attempt against government
·         Arson (Noun)
·         Insurrection (Noun)
·         Insurgency (Noun)
·         subversion (Noun)
·         Sedition (Adj.)
A person who incites revolt or who takes part in revolt
·         Incendiary (Noun)
·         Agitator (Noun)
·         Arsonist (Noun)
·         Seditious (Adj.)
Unsophisticated rural person
·         Bucolic (Adj.)
·         Pastoral (Adj.)
·         Rustic (Adj.)
·         Bumpkin (Noun)
·         Hillbilly (Noun)
·         Yokel (Noun)
Remaining part
·         Remnant (Noun)
·         Trace (Noun)
·         Vestige (Noun)
·         Residual (Noun & Adj.)
·         Complacent (Adj.)
·         Smug (Adj.)
·         Smirk (Verb)
·         Gloat (Verb)
Explanation: Smirk (or gloat) (Verb) means to be satisfied with yourself and to be happy about someone’ s else trouble.
To embarrass
·         Mortify (Verb)
·         Abash (Verb)
·         Discomfit (Verb)
·         Disconcert (Verb)
·         Discountenance (Verb)
Rule/Official order
·         Protocol (Noun)
·         Caveat (Noun)
·         Canon (Noun)
·         Edict (Noun)
·         Rescript (Noun)
·         Decree (Noun)
·         Fiat (Noun)
·         Doctrine (Noun)
·         Dictum (Noun)
Explanation: Doctrine (Noun) means principle of law. It also means set of ideas or beliefs that are taught or believed to be true. Therefore, we have covered this word in this series and it has also been covered in series for Set of beliefs.
Set of beliefs
·         Doctrine (Noun)
·         Dogma (Noun)
·         Tenet (Noun)
Explanation: We have covered word Doctrine in this series and it has been also covered in series for Rule/Official order. Tenet (Noun) means a belief or idea and Tenant (Noun) means a person who rents a house, apartment etc. from a landlord.
Containing different varieties of something
·         Assorted (Adj.)
·         Sundry (Adj.)
·         Multifarious (Adj.)
·         Motley (Adj.)
·         Eclectic (Adj.)
To support or help prove (a statement, theory etc.)
·         Affirm (Verb)
·         Clinch (Verb)
·         Corroborate (Verb)
·         Endorse (Verb)
·         Substantiate (Verb)
·         Validate (Verb)
To make someone free from guilt
·         Exonerate (Verb)
·         Exculpate (Verb)
·         Absolve (Verb)
·         Remit (Verb)
·         Acquit (Verb)
·         Pardon (Verb)
·         Vindicate (Verb)
Explanation: Vindicate (Adj.) differs slightly from other words. Vindicate may refer to things as well as persons that have been subjected to critical attack or imputation of guilt and implies a clearing effected by proving the unfairness of such criticism or blame.
To understand something
·         Apprehend (Verb)
·         Assimilate (Verb)
·         Comprehend (Verb)
·         Construe (Verb)
·         Fathom (Verb)
·         Decipher (Verb)
Explanation: Apprehend (verb) means to understand something. It has second meaning also. It also means to arrest or catch someone for a crime. Assimilate (Verb) means to understand something. It also has second meaning also. Assimilate (Verb) also means to absorb someone into a larger group.
To criticize
·         Admonish (Verb)
·         Assail (Verb)
·         Berate (Verb)
·         Castigate (Verb)
·         Chastise (Verb)
·         Chide (Verb)
·         Excoriate (Verb)
·         Fulminate (Verb)
·         Lambaste (Verb)
·         Lampoon (Verb)
·         Malign (Verb)
·         Pan (Verb)
·         Pillory (Verb)
·         Rail (Verb)
·         Reprove (Verb)
·         Revile (Verb)
·         Vilify (Verb)
·         Censure (Verb & Noun)
·         Reproach (Verb & Noun)
·         Reprimand (Verb & Noun)
·         Rebuke (Verb & Noun)

Explanation: Malign (Adj.) means harmful or intended to cause harm. It has second meaning also. Malign (Verb) means to criticize someone. Chide (verb) means to scold gently. Admonish (Verb), Reproach (Verb), Reprove (Verb), Reprimand (Verb) and Rebuke (Verb) implies criticism but not harsh criticism.

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