Thursday, September 14, 2017

To praise (someone or something) highly
·         Acclaim (Verb)
·         Exalt (Verb)
·         Extol (Verb)
·         Hail (Verb)
Expression of praise
·         Hail (Noun)
·         Accolade (Noun)
·         Plaudit (Noun)
·         Panegyric (Noun)
·         Paean (Noun)
·         Encomium (Noun)
·         Eulogy (Noun)
·         Citation (Noun)
·         Commendation (Noun)
Explanation: Eulogy (Noun) deviates slightly. Eulogy (Noun) means formal expression for praise at the time of funeral. Accolade (Noun)means an award or expression for praise.
Not showing seriousness
·         Facetious (Adj.)
·         Frivolous (Adj.)
·         Flippant (Adj.)
·         Levity (Noun)
To confuse
·         Befog (Verb)
·         Bemuse (Verb)
·         Bewilder (Verb)
·         Baffle (Verb)
·         Befuddle (Verb)
·         Flummox (Verb)
·         Perplex (Verb)
·         Muddle (Verb)
·         Nonplus (Verb)
·         Obfuscate (Verb)
·         Confound (Verb)
·         Stupefy (Verb)
Explanation: Confound (or Stupefy) means to confuse or to surprise someone. Therefore, these words have been covered in this series and they have been covered in series for to surprise also.
To surprise
·         Astound (Verb)
·         Astonish (Verb)
·         Bedazzle (Verb)
·         Flabbergast (Verb)
·         Confound (Verb)
·         Stagger (Verb)
·         Startle (Verb)
·         Stupefy (Verb)
Explanation: Stagger (Verb) means to walk unsteadily or to hesitate. It has second meaning also. It also means to astonish someone.
To defeat
·         Pulverize (Verb)
·         Rout (Verb & Noun)
·         Subjugate (Verb)
·         Vanquish (Verb)
Explanation: Pulverize (Verb) means to crush to fine particles. It has second meaning also. It also means to destroy or defeat. Rout (Verb) means to defeat. Rout (Noun) means disastrous defeat or state of wild confusion. Subjugate (Verb) means to defeat and gain control of someone or something by use of force.
Cautious/ Careful about possible risk
·         Chary (Adj.)
·         Circumspect (Adj.)
·         Gingerly (Adj.)
·         Heedful (Adj.)
·         Wary (Adj.)
Explanation: Heed (Verb) means to pay attention to (advice, a warning etc.). Therefore, Heedful (Adj.) means to be careful about possible risk.
Feeling or showing a lack of trust in someone or something
·         Leery (Adj.)
·         Suspicious (Adj.)
·         Untrusting (Adj.)
·         Wary (Adj.)
Explanation: Wary (Adj.) showing complete trust or careful about possible risk.
Willing to do dangerous things/ Willing to take risk
·         Adventurous (Adj.)
·         Venturesome (Adj.)
·         Daredevil (Adj.)
·         Foolhardy (Adj.)
·         Rash (Adj.)
·         Reckless (Adj.)
  Explanation: Venture (Verb) means to do something that involves risk. Adventurous (Adj.) & Venturesome (Adj.) originated from root word venture (Verb).
Noisy Quarrel                                            
·         Altercation (Noun)
·         Bicker (Verb & Noun)
·         Brawl (Verb & Noun)
·         row (Verb & Noun)
·         Squabble (Verb & Noun)
·         Tiff (Verb & Noun)
  Explanation: Bicker (Verb), Brawl (Verb), Row (Verb), Squabble (Verb) and Tiff (Verb) means to have a noisy quarrel. Bicker (Noun), Brawl (Noun), Row (Noun), Squabble (Noun) and Tiff (Noun) means noisy quarrel. 
Row (Noun) means number of people or things standing in a line. It has second meaning also. It also means to move a boat. It has third meaning also. It also means noisy quarrel.
Tiff (Noun) means noisy quarrel or small fight. It has been covered in series for small fight also.
Small fight
·         Tiff (Noun & Verb)
·         Scuffle (Noun & Verb)
·         Deleterious (Adj.)
·         Precarious (Adj.)
·         Pernicious (Adj.)
·         Detrimental (Adj.)
·         Blight (Verb & Noun)
·         Noxious (Adj.)
Explanation: Blight (Noun) is a disease that makes plants dry up and die. Blight (Noun) also means something damaging or harmful. Blight (Verb) means to cause damage. Noxious (Adj.) deviates slightly. Noxious (Adj.) deviates slightly. Noxious (Adj.) means harmful to living beings. For example: <Noxious fumes can seriously harm you>. <Noxious smog>.
Causing serious destruction or Damage/Evil
·         Baneful (Adj.)
·         Baleful (Adj.)
·         Malignant (Adj.)
·         Scourge (Verb & Noun)
·         Sinister (Adj.)
·         Menace (Noun) & Minatory (Adj.)
·         Vicious (Adj.)
Explanation: Words covered in this series do not deviate much in meaning to words covered in series for Damaging/Harmful.
Menace (Noun) and Minatory (Adj.) are Noun and adjective form of each other. Vicious (Adj.) deviates in meaning slightly. Vicious (Adj.) means violent or cruel. It also means dangerous.
Scourge (Noun) means something causing great trouble or suffering. It has second meaning also. It means a whip.
Scourge (Verb) means to cause great trouble or suffering. It also means to hit (someone) with a whip as a punishment.
To insult/To defame
·         Denigrate (Verb)
·         Belittle (Verb)
·         Disparage (Verb)
·         Deprecate (Verb)
·         Decry (Verb)
·         Derogate (Verb)

·         Denigrative (Adj.)
·         Belittling (Adj.)
·         Contemptuous (Adj.)
·         Decrying (Adj.)
·         Disdainful (Adj.)
·         Disparaging (Adj.)
·         Deprecatory (Adj.)
·         Depreciatory (Adj.)
·         Demeaning (Adj.)
·         Derisory (Adj.)
·         Pejorative (Adj.)
·         Sarcastic (Adj.)
·         Sardonic (Adj.)
·         Satiric (Adj.)
·         Scornful (Adj.)
·         Uncomplimentary (Adj.)
Explanation: Scorn (Noun) means a feeling that someone or something is not worthy of any respect or approval. Scornful (Adj.) is adjective form of word Scorn (Noun). Deride (Verb) means to ridicule or to talk about something in an insulting way. Derision (Noun) means scornful ridicule.
Satiric (Adj.) and Sarcastic (Adj.) deviates slightly. Satiric (Adj.) and Sarcastic (Adj.) means insulting using irony.
Feeling of strong dislike or disapproval for someone or something
·         Disdain (Noun & Verb)
·         Contempt (Noun)
Explanation: Disdain (Verb) means to treat someone with disdain (Noun).
Contempt (Noun) has second meaning also. Contempt (Noun) means speech or behavior that does not show proper respect to a court or judge.

·         Bereaved (Adj.)
·         Crestfallen (Adj.)
·         Dejected (Adj.)
·         Despondent (Adj.)
·         Disconsolate (Adj.)
·         Doleful (Adj.)
·         Dolorous (Adj.)
·         Forlorn (Adj.)
·         Glum (Adj.)
·         Lugubrious (Adj.)
·         Melancholic (Adj.)
·         Plaintive (Adj.)
·         Plangent (Adj.)
·         Sepulchral (Adj.)
·         Woe (Noun & Interjection) & Woeful (Adj.)
Explanation: Bereaved (Adj.) means sad because a family member or friend has recently died. Plangent (Adj.) and Plaintive (Adj.) means expressing sadness.
A situation in which no progress seems possible
·         Impasse (Noun)
·         Stalemate (Noun)
·         Deadlock (Noun)
Mutual Agreement
·         Consensus (Noun)
·         Unanimous (Adj.)
To blame/accuse/Charge
·         Allege (Verb)
·         Impeach (Verb)
·         Impute (Verb)
·         Incriminate (Verb)
·         Recriminate (Verb)
·         Implicate (Verb)
·         Indict (Verb)
Explanation: Impeach (Verb) means to charge a public official with a crime. Recriminate (Verb) deviates slightly. Recriminate (Verb) means retaliatory accusation.
Implicate (Verb) and Indict (Verb) also deviates slightly. Implicate (or Indict) (Verb) means to show or decide formally that someone is guilty.
·         Meticulous (Adj.)
·         Punctilious (Adj.)
·         Fastidious (Adj.)
·         Prudish (Adj.)
·         Priggish (Adj.)
Explanation: Prudish (Adj.) and Priggish (Adj.) deviates slightly. Prudish (or Priggish) (Adj.) means extremely careful or giving so much attention to priorities.
Prudish (Adj.) has second meaning also. Prudish (Adj.) means easily shocked.
 Strict concerning morals
·         Scrupulous (Adj.)
·         Conscientious (Adj.)
·         Puritanical (Adj.)
Explanation: Conscientious (or Scrupulous) (Adj.) means guided by inner conscience (or Scruple).
·         Histrionic (Adj.)
·         Melodramatic (Adj.)
Desiring only pleasure
·         Hedonist (Noun)
·         Sybarite (Noun)
Hint/Indirect reference
·         Allude (Verb)
·         Innuendo (Noun)
·         Insinuate (Verb)
Explanation: Allude (Verb) and insinuate (Verb) means to make indirect reference. Innuendo (Noun) means indirect reference.
Understood but not directly stated
·         Implicit (Adj.)
·         Tacit (Adj.)
Difficult task/Demanding lots of efforts
·         Arduous (Adj.)
·         Exacting (Adj.)
·         Strenuous (Adj.)
·         Onerous (Adj.)
·         Laborious (Adj.)
·         Toilsome (Adj.)
·         Grueling (Adj.)
·         Painstaking (Adj.)
·         Lackadaisical (Adj.)
·         Indolent (Adj.)
·         Sluggish (Adj.)
·         Listless (Adj.)
·         Slothful (Adj.)
·         Idle (Adj.)
·         Languid (Adj.)
·         Lethargic (Adj.)
·         Languorous (Adj.)
Explanation: Languor (Noun) means state of feeling tired and Lazy. Languorous(Adj.) means lazy.
State of feeling lazy
·         Languor (Noun)
·         Lassitude (Noun)
·         Lethargy (Noun)
·         Torpor (Noun)
·         Lethargy (Noun)
·         Indolence (Noun)
·         Sluggishness (Noun)
·         Slothfulness (Noun)
·         Idleness (Noun)
·         Languidness (Noun)
Tired/Lacking energy
·         Lackluster (Adj.)
·         Prostrate (Adj.)
·         Weary (Adj.)
Explanation: Prostrate (Adj.) means tired and lacking energy. It has second meaning also. It also means lying with the front of your body turned toward the ground to show respect.
Slow person
·         Laggard (Noun)
·         Dilatory (Adj.)
·         Dawdler (Noun) / Dawdle (Verb)
·         Tardy (Adj.)
·         Leisurely (Adj.)
·         Ponderous (Adj.)

Explanation: Ponder (Verb) means thinking carefully. Ponderous (Adj.) means acting slowly. Dawdle (Verb) means to act or move slowly. Leisure (Noun) means time for relaxation or enjoyment.

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