Monday, October 16, 2017

·         Pluck (Noun)
·         Valor (Noun)
Explanation: Pluck (Verb) means to pull (something) quickly to remove it. For example: - <He was plucking flower>. It has second meaning also. Pluck (Noun) means courage.
PLUCK (Noun)
Meaning: 1) To pull something quickly to remove it
                  2) Courage and determination
Use: She showed pluck in getting up on stage.
VALOR (Noun)
Meaning: Courage or bravery
Use:  Mike demonstrated great valor when he rushed to the burning car and pulled the unconscious driver out after it had crashed into the back end of a big truck.
·         Authentic (Adj.)
·         Legitimate (Adj.)
·         Veritable (Adj.)
Meaning: Real or genuine
Use:  Authentic was something that had the authority of its original creator.
Meaning: 1) Allowed according to rules or laws.
                  2)Real, accepted
Use: Legitimate means for achieving success.
Meaning: True or real
Use: The early 1970s witnessed a veritable price explosion.
Genuineness/ Truth
·         Veracity (Noun)
Meaning: 1) Truth or accuracy
                  2) Quality of being truthful or honest
Use: They had to question the veracity of his remarks regarding the accident.
·         Pandemic (Adj. & Noun)
·         Epidemic (Adj. & Noun)
Explanation: Pandemic (or Epidemic) (Adj.) means occurring over a wide geographical area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population. Pandemic (or Epidemic) (Noun) means an occurrence in which a disease spreads very quickly.

Meaning: occurring over a wide geographical area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population
Use: The pandemic outbreak of flu made it necessary for the medical profession to work hard to contain it.
Meaning: occurrence in which a disease spreads very quickly
Use: The 1918 flu pandemic claimed millions of lives.
Meaning: occurring over a wide geographical area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population
Use: The epidemic enthusiasm for soccer spread like an pandemic among the fans
Meaning: occurrence in which a disease spreads very quickly
Use: The doctors were afraid of an epidemic of flu in the schools during the winter.
·         Counterfeit (Adj. & Noun)
·         Factitious (Adj.)
Meaning: Made to look like an exact copy of something in order to trick people
Use: The concert ticket is counterfeit.
Meaning: Something that is made to look like an exact copy of something else in order to trick people
Use: The document turned out to be counterfeits.
Meaning: Not genuine
Use: Brokers have created a factitious demand for stocks.
Inborn/Existing since birth
·         Intrinsic (Adj.)
·         Innate (Adj.)
·         Inherent (Adj.)
·         Congenital (Adj.)
Meaning: Occurring as a natural part of something
Use: The intrinsic essence of their friendship could not be described.
Meaning: Existing as part of the basic nature of something
Use: Shirley has an innate sense of dancing and is entertaining others in as many performances as she can for practice and public approval.
Meaning: Belonging to the basic nature of someone or something
Use: Tom has an inherent, or deep-rooted, dislike of eating spinach ever since he was a child!
Meaning: Existing since birth
Use: Tommy was diagnosed as being hard of hearing when he was born and this was commented on by the doctors as being a congenital health problem.
To persuade/To influence/To convince
·         Cajole (Verb)
·         Coax (Verb)
·         Wheedle (Verb)
·         Exhort (Verb)
·         Urge (Verb)
·         Woo (Verb)
·         Cogent (Adj.)
Explanation: Cogent (Adj.) means convincing argument.
Meaning: To persuade someone to do something
Use: After praising her brother Jim for his fantastic grade in math, Mary tried to cajole him into doing her next homework assignment in the same subject.
COAX (Verb)
Meaning: To persuade someone to do something
Use: The host tried to coax the author to make a speech after dinner.
Meaning: To persuade someone to do something
Use: She knows she can wheedle almost anything she wants from her father.
Meaning: To strongly urge someone to do something
Use: The coach was exhorting his football team to get a good night's sleep before the game the following day.
URGE (Verb)
Meaning: To try to persuade (someone) in a serious way to do something
Use: She was urged to restrain her eating habits.
WOO (Verb)
Meaning: To attempt to persuade (someone) to buy something from you, work for you etc.
Use: The store had a sale in an effort to woo new customers.
Meaning: Convincing
Use: Sharon presented a cogent argument for raising the prices for the scarce items.
Perfect example
Perfect example
·         Paragon (Noun)
·         Epitome (Noun)
·         Apotheosis (Noun)
·         Paradigm (Noun)
·         Prototype (Noun)
·         Archetype (Noun)
·         Quintessence (Noun)

Meaning: Perfect example
Use: Harry was considered by his colleagues to be a paragon of honesty.

Meaning: Perfect example
Use: The newspaper reporter wrote an epitome of the destructions that have been caused by the hurricanes in various countries.

Meaning: Perfect example
Use: The apotheosis of a Roman emperor was designed to insure his eternal greatness: people would worship at his altar forever.
Meaning: A model or pattern for something that may be copied
Use: The present campaign is a paradigm of Washington’ s pattern of accusing others of doing what Washington is planning to do or has already done.

Meaning: An original or first model of something from which other forms are copied or developed
Use: Ralph is developing a prototype for his new computer application.

Meaning: A perfect example of something
Use: Chrissy was an archetype of great singing, which attracted many devoted students to her.

Meaning: The perfect or most typical example
Use: He was the quintessence of political professionalism.
To be a perfect example of something
·         Embody (Verb)
Meaning: To be a symbol or perfect example of (something)
Use: Social hierarchy cannot and does not exist without being embodied in meaning and expressed in communications.

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