Monday, October 16, 2017

Mixture of different things
·         Medley (Noun)
·         Mélange (Noun)
·         Assortment (Noun)
·         Agglomeration (Noun)
Meaning: A varied mixture
Use: Polly hummed a medley of show tunes while she worked.

Meaning: A mixture of different things
Use: A mélange of colors and shapes.

Meaning: A group or collection of different things or people
Use: The book has a wonderful assortment of characters.

Meaning: A large group, collection or pile of different things
Use: It took weeks to assort the agglomeration of miscellaneous items she had collected on her trip.

·         Histrionic (Adj.)
·         Melodramatic (Adj.)
Meaning: Too dramatic or emotional
Use: He was proud of his histrionic ability and wanted to play the role of hamlet.
Meaning: Too dramatic or emotional
Use: Oh, quit being so melodramatic!
Desiring only pleasure
·         Hedonist (Noun)
·         Sybarite (Noun)
Meaning: The belief that pleasure is most important in life
Use: As a committed hedonist, Jason believes that the pursuit of delight and enjoyment are the most important objectives in his life.
Meaning: A person fond of luxury and pleasure
Use: Sally was a sybarite who had inherited millions of dollars from her father which provided the funds for her to have a magnificent house and an extraordinary style of life and self-indulgence.
Hint/Indirect reference
·         Allude (Verb)
·         Innuendo (Noun)
·         Insinuate (Verb)
Explanation: Allude (Verb) and insinuate (Verb) means to make indirect reference. Innuendo (Noun) means indirect reference. Insinuate (Verb) has second meaning also. It also means to move yourself gradually into a favorable position
Meaning: To make indirect reference
Use: When the reporter on TV news alluded to colorful displays, he was talking about the fireworks that take place on the fourth of July in many parts of the U.S.A.

Meaning: Indirect reference or hint
Use: I can defend myself against direct accusations; innuendoes and oblique attacks o my character are what trouble me.
Meaning: 1) To suggest something bad indirectly
                  2) To move yourself gradually into a favorable position.
Use: Gerald appeared to insinuate that the man was dishonest by questioning his integrity.

Understood but not directly stated
·         Implicit (Adj.)
·         Tacit (Adj.)
Meaning: Understood though not clearly or directly stated
Use: The children responded with implicit cooperation during the fire drill.
TACIT (Adj.)
Meaning: Expressed or understood without being directly stated
Use: Mary felt that she had her parents' tacit consent to stay out late at her friend's birthday party.

Difficult task/Demanding lots of efforts
·         Arduous (Adj.)
·         Exacting (Adj.)
·         Taxing (Adj.)
·         Strenuous (Adj.)
·         Onerous (Adj.)
·         Laborious (Adj.)
·         Toilsome (Adj.)
·         Grueling (Adj.)
·         Painstaking (Adj.)
Meaning: Very difficult
Use: There is a great deal of arduous work involved in compiling understandable definitions and applicable sentences for the word entries in this lexicon.
Meaning: Very difficult or demanding
Use: Mark's teacher made very exacting instructions regarding the contents of their essays because she was expecting the very best writing results by all of her students.
Meaning: Requiring a lot of efforts, energy etc.
Use: A very taxing workload that is taking a lot of time to finish.

Meaning: Requiring or using great effort
Use: The trainer at the fitness studio told Jim to avoid strenuous exercise because repetition is better than overdoing it.
Meaning: Difficult and unpleasant to do or deal with
Use: Sometimes Mr. Jan felt as if it were an onerous difficulty to survive during the economic crisis.
Meaning: Requiring a lot of time and effort
Use: We spent many laborious hours on the project and it is still not completed.
Meaning: Requiring hard work or great efforts
Use: Faced with the toilsome task of cleaning out her deceased father’ s homestead.
Meaning: Requiring great effort
Use: The marathon is a grueling race.
Meaning: Done with great care and effort
Use: The new high-frequency word list is the result of painstaking efforts on the part of our research staff
Present everywhere
·         Ubiquitous (Adj.)
·         Omnipresent (Adj.)
Meaning: Seeming to be seen everywhere
Uses: The ubiquitous sports star was seen on several different TV programs at 8 p.m.
Meaning: Present in all places at all times
Use: On Christmas Eve, Santa Claus is omnipresent.
Different from each other
·         Divergent (Adj.)
·         Disparate (Adj.)
Meaning: Diverging or different from each other
Use: Even though the families went in two different cars from divergent directions, they both arrived at the cottage where they would be living together and go skiing.

Meaning: Different from each other
Use: Even though the boys were twins, their personalities were disparate.

Not active
·         Dormant (Adj.)
·         Inactive (Adj.)
·         Abeyant (Adj.)
·         Quiescent (Adj.)
·         Latent (Adj.)
Meaning: Not active but able to become active
Use: Bears in the forest become dormant by hibernating in winter and their metabolic processes are slowed down to a minimum.

Meaning: Not active or not currently being
Use: Inactive people suffer higher rates of heart disease.

Meaning: Temporary suspended
Use: The president of the company waited to present the abeyant plan until more participants showed up.

Meaning: Not active
Use: "The family was quiescent as they watched the interesting film on TV."

Meaning: Describing something that exists but is not active or cannot be seen.
Use: If you will excuse me, I have to go tell my wife and children about my latent homosexual qualities and accompanying gender confusion.

·         Lackadaisical (Adj.)
·         Indolent (Adj.)
·         Sluggish (Adj.)
·         Listless (Adj.)
·         Slothful (Adj.)
·         Idle (Adj.)
·         Languid (Adj.)
·         Lethargic (Adj.)
·         Languorous (Adj.)
Explanation: Languor (Noun) means state of feeling tired and Lazy. Languorous(Adj.) means lazy.
Meaning: Feeling or showing a lack of interest or enthusiasm
Use: Elwood's teacher said that he is a lackadaisical pupil because he doesn't show any interest in learning.
Meaning: Not liking to work or not liking to be active
Use: Many people have high blood pressure, which is an indolent disorder in the body which can be very dangerous just because it doesn’t hurt and is, at first, not noticeable.
Meaning: Moving slowly or lazily
Use: After two nights without sleep, she felt sluggish and incapable of exertion.
Meaning: Lacking energy or spirit
Use: We had expected her to be full of enthusiasm and were surprised by her listless attitude.
Meaning: Not liking to work or not liking to be active
Use: slothful person is always a burden to any group trying to complete a project.
IDLE (Adj.)
Meaning: 1) Not working, active or being used
                  2) Not having much activity
Use: Too many factories have been standing idle during these last months.
Meaning: Having or showing very little energy or activity
Use: The congress has been proceeding at a languid pace to complete the legislation.
Meaning: Feeling a lack of energy or a lack of interest in doing things
Use: In class, she tried to stay alert and listen to the professor, but the stuffy room made her lethargic.
Meaning: Tired or lacking energy
Use: The drummer’ s languorous playing causing the rest of the band to keep missing the beat.
State of feeling lazy
·         Languor (Noun)
·         Lassitude (Noun)
·         Lethargy (Noun)
·         Torpor (Noun)
·         Indolence (Noun)
·         Sluggishness (Noun)
·         Slothfulness (Noun)
·         Idleness (Noun)
·         Languidness (Noun)
Meaning: A state of feeling tired and relaxed
Use: They enjoyed the languor brought on by a hot summer afternoon.
Meaning: The condition of being tired or lack of energy
Use: Harry's lassitude was caused by overworking on too many things in a short time.
Meaning: A lack of energy or a lack of interest in doing things
Use: Symptoms of the disease include loss of appetite and lethargy.
Meaning: A state of not being active and having little energy
Use: The news about the earthquake aroused him from his torpor and as a result, he became more aware of what was happening.
Meaning: Inclination to laziness
Use: "He passed his days in indolence; just sleeping late and sunbathing at the beach."
Meaning: State of moving slowly or lazily
Meaning: Inclination to laziness
Meaning: State of not working, active or being used
Meaning: State of having or showing very little energy, strength or activity
Tired/Lacking energy
·         Lackluster (Adj.)
·         Prostrate (Adj.)
·         Weary (Adj.)
·         Flagging (Adj.)
Explanation: Prostrate (Adj.) means tired and lacking energy. It has second meaning also. It also means lying with the front of your body turned toward the ground to show respect.
Meaning: Lacking excitement or interest
Use: Kermit's lackluster performance on the stage was a disappointment to the audience.
Meaning: 1) Lying with the front of your body turned toward the ground
                  2) So tired, upset etc.
Use: After the long hike in the heat, the hikers lay prostrate in the shade, resting and sipping water.
WEARY (Adj.)
Meaning: Lacking strength, energy or freshness
Use:  "The garbage collectors were weary after working their shift."
Meaning: Having or showing little energy or activity
Use: The illness left her too weak to stand up.
To dry up/To deprive someone of physical and mental energy
·         Desiccate (Verb)
·         Wizen (Verb)
·         Enervate (Verb)
·         Devitalize (Verb)
Explanation: Desiccate (Verb) and Wizen (Verb) suggest dry up or they may also suggest depriving someone of physical and mental energy. But, Enervate (Verb) and Devitalize (Verb) mean to deprive someone of physical and mental energy.
Meaning: suggest dry up or they may also suggest depriving someone of physical and mental energy
Use: The surgeon removed a suspect mole and thoroughly desiccated the tissue around that area with a needle electrode.
WIZEN (Verb)
Meaning: suggest dry up or they may also suggest depriving someone of physical and mental energy
Use: The wizened old man in the home for the aged was still active and energetic.
Meaning: to deprive someone of physical and mental energy
Use: She was slow to recover from her illness; even a short walk to the window enervated her.
Meaning: to deprive someone of physical and mental energy
Use: She was devitalized by the infection.
Slow person
·         Laggard (Noun)
·         Dilatory (Adj.)
·         Dawdler (Noun)
·         Tardy (Adj.)
·         Leisurely (Adj.)
·         Ponderous (Adj.)
Explanation: Ponder (Verb) means thinking carefully. Ponderous (Adj.) means acting slowly. Leisure (Noun) means time for relaxation or enjoyment.
Meaning: Lagging or tending to lag
Use: The auto company has been accused of being a laggard in developing new models.
Meaning: Causing a delay or tending to be late
Use: The congressman, Mr. Gould, used a dilatory strategy to keep the bill from being passed.
Meaning: Person moving or acting slowly
Use: Hurry up! There’ s no time to dawdle.
TARDY (Adj.)
Meaning: Slow to act or respond
Use: Thanks for the email and sorry about tardy reply, just out of five weeks in Afghanistan where I had no access to this email Address.
Meaning: Slow and relaxed
Use:  Charles always made it a habit to eat leisurely and to leisurely walk back to work from his lunch.
Meaning: Moving slowly and heavily
Use: Lloyd was making ponderous, or slow-moving steps, because he was carrying a very heavy box of books into another section of his apartment.
To do something slowly
·         Dally (Verb)
·         Tarry (Verb)
·         Dawdle (Verb)
DALLY (Verb)
Meaning: To do something slowly
Use: The company has been dallying with the idea of opening a new office.
TARRY (Verb)
Meaning: To be slow in going or to stay somewhere
Use: We can’ tarry if we want to get to the airport on time.
Meaning: To move or act too slowly
Use: We have to meet a deadline: don’ t dawdle; just get down to work.
·         Virtuoso (Noun)
·         Consummate (Noun)
·         Savant (Noun)
·         Connoisseur (Noun)
·         Cognoscente (Noun)
Meaning: Skillful especially a very skillful musician
Use: Johan becomes a virtuoso of classical music, a driving force who cannot be ignored.

Meaning: 1) Complete
                  2) Very good or skillful
Use: Sam was able to consummate a profitable business transaction with the head of the company.

Meaning: One with detailed knowledge in specialized subject
Use: Our faculty includes many world-famous savants.

Meaning: An expert in particular subject (such as art, wine, food etc.)
Use: Mark and Madeline were connoisseurs of fine wines.

Meaning: A person who has expert knowledge in a subject
Use: There were three cognoscente in the art museum who were the judges of the oil paintings presented by the various artists.

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