Wednesday, May 3, 2017

                            DOGMATIC (Adj.)

Meaning-If someone is dogmatic, he is certain that he is right and everyone else is wrong.

Mnemonic trick- Dog is always dogmatic. He starts barking at every dispute. He states everything with his full energy and over confidence. Therefore, Dogmatic means person who expresses his opinion as if it is certainly correct and cannot be doubted.

Explanation- It comes from word dogma. Dogma means a belief that is accepted by the members of a group without being questioned or doubted. Dogmatic means an opinionated person who states dogma with over-confidence and arrogance.


  •           Dogmatic assertion.
  •           Dogmatic person always states his opinion in over positive and arrogant manner.
  •          Why do you always speak with such dogmatism?
  •          Please do not state so dogmatically that democracy is a fiasco. Time will show the stupidity of such a statement.

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